2019 Scholarship recipients Sandra DeSousa, Maya Ganhão & Milena Rainho
Since 2011 the ACAPO/NPCC Scholarship Committee has awarded a total of $26,000 to 13 students:
2011 Mikaela Pereira
2012 Andrew Pereira
2013 Brianna Pereira
2014 Bianca DeSousa & Natasha Silvestre
2015 Katrina Fernandes & Victoria Russo
2016 Noah Ganhão & Samantha Rainho
2017 Eva Fernandes & Olivia Pereira
2018 Alexa Dantas & Marco Pereira
2019 Sandra Desousa, Maya Ganhão & Milena Rainho
We are proud to say this project is totally funded thanks to the generous contributions of a small group of sponsors. If you or your business would like to be part of this important program, please contact us.
2019 Scholarship Committee
Nancy Pereira
Sandra Inaçio
Susana Pereira