ACAPO/NPCC Scholarship

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We are currently accepting applications for our 2015 ACAPO NPCC Scholarship. The Scholarship is open to NPCC members and their children who are entering or currently enrolled in a post-secondary program. Please read the application carefully for all the details [download]Deadline is April 10th, so act fast! Presentation will be May 2nd at the ACAPO Gala Dinner.

Last year we awarded two scholarships valued at $2000 each to Bianca Desousa and Natasha Silvestre. We are hoping to match this in 2015.

We’d like to thank the sponsors who have alreaded donated to this year’s award: AccuBuilt Construction, Coldwell Banker RMR, Desousa Homes, ENG Automotive, LiUNA Local 183 and State Farm Insurance.

This project is totally funded by the contributions of our wonderful sponsors, so please contact us if you would like to be a part of this very important program.
