Maria e Manuel Araújo – Northern Portugal Cultural Centre
Author: david
Oshawa kicks off Portuguese Heritage Month with joyous flag raising celebration
Oshawa dá início ao Mês da Herança Portuguesa com a celebração do hastear da bandeira
De 13 de maio a 10 de junho Oshawa declara Mês de Portugal
De 13 de maio a 10 de junho Oshawa declara Mês de Portugal
Northern Portugal Cultural Centre reforça número de bolsas de estudo
Northern Portugal Cultural Centre reforça número de bolsas de estudo
The Big Visita
Fiesta Week 2015
Please join us in celebrating Fiesta Week at the Northern Portugal Cultural Centre. Our Fabulous show and delicious food will definitely put a smile on your face. Our Pavilion opens at 5:30 pm on Thursday, June 25th and Friday, June 26th and Saturday, June 27th at 4:30 pm. Show times Thursday – 6:30 and 8:00 pm Friday – 6:30, 8:00, 9:30...
60th Anniversary Video
To celebrate 60th Anniversary of Portuguese Immigration to Canada on May 13, 2013 the NPCC in collaboration with the Oshawa Portuguese Club conducted a series of interviews and released a video which documented some of the stories of Oshawa’s Luso pioneers.
ACAPO/NPCC Scholarship
We are currently accepting applications for our 2015 ACAPO NPCC Scholarship. The Scholarship is open to NPCC members and their children who are entering or currently enrolled in a post-secondary program. Please read the application carefully for all the details [download]. Deadline is April 10th, so act fast! Presentation will be May 2nd at the ACAPO Gala Dinner. Last...