Title: New Year’s Eve
Description: Welcome 2012 at our Centre with the lively music of Jovem Imperio and a four-course meal!
Dinner-Roast Beef with potatoes and vegies, Baked halibut steaks with rice and salad, crepes with ice cream for desert and champagne and Bolo Rei at midnight.
Buy your tickets early – prices go up December 16th
Prices: members $85, non-members $90, youths (12-17) $45, children (7-11) $20, children 6 and under are free.
Prices after December 15th: members $90, non-members $100, youths (12-17) $45, children (7-11) $20, children 6 and under are free.
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2011-12-31